I haven't done one of this in a while

Have you seen the last person you texted naked? 
I think that was Sophie, so no

Will tomorrow be better than today?
I hope so, today was pretty good tho.

What do you bite on more, your tongue, lip, or nails? 
lower lip

What is your current mood? 
I'm tired, a bit

Would you ever get a tattoo? 
I have one in the back of my neck, and I want to get more

What are you listening to? 
Project Runway is on tv now

Do you know anyone that smokes pot? 
lol, a whole bunch of people I know do

Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and not get annoyed?
I guess so, I dunno

What color shirt are you wearing? 
dark blue with some gray

What’s something that upset you today? 
traffic in general

Your current relationship status? 

Do you get along with girls? Yeah, I have a lot of friends who are girls, I went to an all-girls school

Do your parents allow you to date? 
I don't think they get to have a say in that

When was the last time you cleaned your room? 
Like past week or so

Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
Sindy on the phone

How is the weather right now? 

What do you always take with you? 
money, phone, make up

Do you regret anything you did today? 

Have you ever had a serious conversation with your mum? 
all the time

Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I guess so

What is something you really want right now? 

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? 
Oh yeah, she said I hacked her fb page and a lot of shit, which I didn't. And we didn't spoke for months, when she finally found out who did it, she didn't apologized just tried to talk to me like nothing happend.

What do you think about the person you hate most? 
I don't think I hate anyone, hating is such a waste of time, I do think I dislike some people

What is the last thing you used your own money for? 
um, clothes

Can you tell when something bad is going to happen? 
Sometimes, I hate that feeling of dread you get in your stomach

Would you rather have long or short hair? 
I want it to be longer right now

Can you write with both hands? 

Has someone of the opposite sex told you they loved you and meant it? 
I don't know

How’s your heart lately?uneasy

Does anyone hate you?

How did you get your last bruise?I don't remember

Who is in your house right now? 
mom & my brother

Do you want to have children? 
One day  in the future

What are you doing tomorrow? 
I have no idea

Who’s the first “D” in your contacts? 

Do you have a reason to smile right now? 
I guess so

Who was the last person to text you? 

What did it say?
an inside joke

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? 
Um either Brett or Jk

What are you wearing on your feet? 

Do you think that the person you like feels the exact same way you do? 
I do think he likes me, just I don't know how much

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? 

How long does it take for you to shower?15 minutes or so

Is the last person you hugged older? 

Has anyone gotten on your nerves lately? 
traffic and people in general

Last night, did you fall asleep smiling? 
I don't think so, lol

Are you afraid of change? 
as any other human been

Who woke you up? 
my alarm clock

What time did you wake up this morning? 6:45 am, I had breakfast with some friends (:

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