A toast for a good year.

This is a list of all the good things that made my year ;)
(there's no order just as they come to my mind)

Dr. House

URL: Comunication first year ;)

My car (Suzuki Grand Vitara)

 My texting phone ;)

 Woodser concerts & Eucalipt Festival

Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters

Toshiba's laptop:f

Chris Ingle & Nevershoutnever

Fail blog


My blog


New Moon Movie

 Antigua Guatemala

Shit talkibg wutg Sindy

Facebook Gossip Crew

Uni. classes

Friday's value meals

Gray clothing

Skype midnight talk


Making videos with Juancho, Bernardo & Andrea

Talkin' Heads Saloon

Zac Efron on Seventeen Again


 Burger King's Bk Burger Shots


  Jay Baruchel (I can not explain why, but I'm head over heals for this guy)



The places where you want to be...

Ever since I was a little kid,
I've always liked speaking english better than spanish, even if spanish if my first language.
I also want to go to a University outside my country,
I want my kids to grow up outside this country.

Here's the place I want to call home,

Long Beach, California



It isn't broken, but it sure has a crack.

His kiss, it brought me back to places I've never beenHis touch burned my skin in places that will never show
My nevers were impossible to control

My coarse shelter, 
my own secret place,
was to be shared with him.
I didn't have any other choice, at least I told myself that.
So I let him in,
not knowing it only meant one thing.

A trapt, a hopeless feeling
"head over heels"; I heard them calling it,
maybe so.

My heart beats they weren't mine anymore,
my breaths weren't of air but of his fragance
"Lloyd I'm ready to be heartbroken" was playing,
and little did I know it was meant to be.

I woke up from my nightmare, 
or was it a dream that might never come true?

Where do I belong?
the air escaped through my mouth as I pronounced this words
I close my eyelids hoping to go back to sleep and never woke up.
Dreaming of you was much much nicier.


Lloyd, I'm ready to be heartbroken.

The tear burned down a path on her face,
and landed on her brand new jeans
she hadn't cried in such a long time
all that felt new,
all those experiences that had cracked her heart now were present.
All the pain seemed unbearable,
closing her breath,
the joy entirely, however small, felt smaller in comparison.
Her breath had shortened,
her arms around her knees couldn't hold her,
she felt small
And her trembling hands couldn't errase the shame of the tears in her face.
she hated weakness.

Red puffy eyes that burned as if they were being opened for the very first time,
she closed not only her eyes but her heart.
she didn't want to feel anything anymore.
but little mattered what she wanted or not.


Books written for girls.

I've heard of love stories all my life,
not only in Disney movies or in children's books
but I have never seen it with my own yes,
or felt it with my own heart, or brain
whichever you preffer

Despite my circumstances,
I have never lost hope to find you some place out there,
but to be honest, I have never actually looked for you.

I feel like I don't belong anywhere,
like I was made to be alone,
but there's still a part of me,
a small part,
hoping to be saved.
Saved by love.
as if such thing actually could happen in real life, right?

Please make me feel like I belong,
with someone.


This is not an other love letter.

Dear Friend,
I hope I can still call you that when you're done reading this,
I'm sorry, I hate you.
I can't find any other word that fits better for my feelings towards you.
I hate you yet I care for you.
It's unexplainable how deeply you annoy me, and how many times I'd like you to be gone.
I hate 90% of you,
the other 10% is a well mixed feeling of care and laughter.

I hate the way you seem to find us as an item,
we're not the same,
we'll never be.

I hate how you find a way to make everything that is mine your own.
I hate you, I hate sharing with you.
I hate how you feel that you're good enough,
when I see right through you,
don't you feel the hate in my words?

I hate you,
and yet I... I care for you.
I can't call it love, I can't love someone like you.

I believe is better if we take our own road now,
I want to grow apart from you,
and whenever I want to do that,
you harras me, 
you call me,
and you make me feel bad for you.

I know there's a lot of I in this letter,
but I don't know how you feel.
I hope you hate me too
no, I know you do.

Please let me save what's little care for you that its inside me.
Please, just let me go.


The Sanchez's List

Here's an other list of things about me you never asked for.

-My complete name is Viacely Sánchez Carías,
my name is pronounced: bee-ah-se-leeh
it's an italian name Viaccieli, and it means 'the way to heaven'
I would prefer it if you just call me Via.

-I have a bunny rabbit named Donnie, after Donnie Darko.
And before him, I had one named Frank, for the same reason.

-I love making people laugh, and I'm constantly laughing at something which is not at all funny, I have a dorky laugh, though.

-If I don't know you, and I talk a lot! it means I'm high on sugar :)

-My religion beliefs, can be considered as 'agnostic', I'm very skeptical about everything around me. I really don't have a problem with the idea of God, is more with religion standars, and religious people with their hipocressy; that doesn't mean I go around praising the devil and snorting lines. I respect your beliefs, and I would expect you to respect mine, Please! don't try to shove your religion down my throath. 

- Whenever I'm quet, it doesn't mean that I'm upset or anything. I just like some time for myself to think.

- If I am quiet towards you, it actually means I am intimidated by your presence.

-If I blush on your presence, pat yourself in the back 'cause you must be very attractive.

-Christofer Drew Ingle is my dream boy and the most amazing human been on earth, I want to marry him and have cute babies :)

- I listen to all kinds of music (but reggeaton and anything in spanish or english pop) usually whatever is aurally pleasing or suits my mood.

- tats and plugs usually turn me on :)

- Interesting people are my kind of people.

- I am easily annoyed, and mostly by people who type like this: "C YA" "LOB YA"

-I apreciate it when people use correct grammar and spelling.

- I bite the inside of my lower lip, a lottt.

- I like hairy cute things.

- I only have one older brother, but we are NOTHING alike.

-Grey is my favorite color, I know is a shadow but it is still my favorite color.

-I like reading, I could spend my whole day drinking milk & reading :)

-Noisy eaters is my BIGGEST pet peeve.

-I am real nice, but if you get on my wrong side I can be a real bitch.

-I feel uncomfortable when someone I'm not familiar with hugs me or stands too close.

-PLEASE! do not stare at me if you don't know me, only that can make more uncomfortable than an unasked hug :S

-Alcohol, cigarrets and drugs held no interest to me, so keep your stuff to yourself, thanks.

- I watch tons of Dr. House, even if I had already watched that episode, I'll watch it again.

-I live with my brother, both of my parrents and my bunnie rabbit, Donnie.

-I'm really easy to talk to, I like listening to people and I'm very understanding. But I have an opinion too.

-I don't really like the word 'best friend' because I don't like being anyone's anything, but I think I have a few close friends and they mean a whole lot more than you can imagine to me.

-I am a very loyal person, as long as you are to me.

-I have the hability of getting over people more easily than most, if for some reason (most likely it is your fault) I decide to stop carrying for you, I WILL, and I will never again care for you, and I'm not kidding. I just can't, I might like you again, but I NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE.

-I don't actually like that many people, I just nothing them, I'm indifferent to their existance.
I am a reserved person, and I don't like sharing with people.

-I am BROOTALY honest, and I might not apologize if my ideas ofend you.

-I can be very very naive. I think the best of people despite the facts.

-I freak out on crowds, and get very annoyed.

-It may not look so, but I am actually looking for my better half, but I am too scarred of getting hurt that I won't show my emotions.

- i find it hard to save up money.

-I have an inmense list of books to read, I hope I get the time to do so.

-I like to write, as you can see. I feel more comfortable writting in english, tho.

-I dislike conceited, arrogant people. If you think too much of yourself I'm probably not going to waste my time on you.

-Don't think you have me all figured out, I have plenty of things about me you're just not gonna get it that easy. I have a few things under my sleeve ;)

-I want to learn french, it's a really sexy language.
Not because I consider myself sexy or want to be.

-I feel I'm a little above average when it comes to intelect, sorry about that.

-I contradict myself a lot.

-I won't share music with you, if I do, then feel special.

-Oh! if you know better for youself, don't talk shit about my friends to me, I might go for your yugular.

-if I like you, in any way, I tend to be very sweet and carring.

-I don't cook, at all.

-I rather sleep than watch tv.

-TV, i only watch: Dr.House, Big Bang Theory, vampire diaries :], and any Discovery Channel documentary I find interesting.

-People usually ask me to slow my pace when walking :S

-I also talk too fast and am sort hard to understand.



 Do not stand at my grave and weep.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.
Mary Elizabeth Frye



Your last kiss probably meant everything to you, right?

Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?
Naah, not really.

Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly?
I think a lot of people are fucking stupid

Do you love where you live?

What were you doing 12am last night?

Loading Inglorious Basterds.

Last person you were on the phone with?

Can you get over people easy?
it depends on the situation, but most of the time I can. I don't grow attached to people.

Would you go out in public looking like you do now?

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

So, what do you want for your birthday?
I have no idea, my birthday is 11 months away.

If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you kiss back?

Did you sleep alone last night?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
It's highly unlikely, but it sure would be nice.

How was your weekend?
I've had better

Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?


How do you feel right now?

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?

You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get?


Have you kissed anyone in '09 that actually meant something?
haven't kissed anyone.

If you could make your lips bigger, would you?

probably not.

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?

Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?
mhhm, I like that.

Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person?
>:| a lot ahhaha

Do you own porn?

Kiss on the neck or kiss on the cheek?

Have you ever been to Mexico?
yep, last year.

Where did you get the pants your wearing?

Would you rather smoke weed or pop pills?
if I had to, weed probs.

Today have you spoken to the person you like?
not yet

Was there anyone who "made your day"?
not yettt

Are you a mother or a father?

no thanks.

Is your favorite number three, five, or twelve?
what the funk?

Would you kiss a random person for money?

Who do you talk to the most about your problems?
Mom, I have serious trust issues.

Have you ever got a D or F on your report card?
I don't think so.

What are you not looking forward to?


Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?

A shot of whiskey, or a bottle of Smirnoff?

Some random girl comes up to you and says “who the f*** are you”? What do you say back?
who the fuck are you?

If your cell phone broke, would your parents make you pay for a new one?
noope, I have and they bought me a new one.

Would you take a road trip with your friends?
yeahhh why nottt?

Does it make you mad when people stare at you?
I just stare back

Do you prefer to write with pens or pencils?

Who last sent you a text message?

It's 3am and you're drunk out at a party 20 miles out of town and you wanted to leave, who would you call?
that would never happen

Story behind your MySpace name?
um, it's my name, shorter.

Who's the last person you kissed?
no one.

Most missed memory?
too many to name

If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do?

Have you ever been arrested?

Are you taken?

Who was the last person that put their arms around you?
I don't remember.

Is your cell phone a touch screen phone?
no, tbh I don't like that shit.

Who was the last guy you talked to on the phone?
I guess alejandro.

Are you keeping a big secret right now?

When was the last time you were in a very good mood?

Do you believe teenagers can be in love?

What locker number is yours?
I don't have a locker

Have you ever dyed your hair?
too many times

What is your mom saved as in your phone?

Are you in high school?

Are you a bad influence?

not really.

Have any memories that you'd like to forget?

Are you good at hiding your feelings?

What are you doing this weekend?
fuck this weekend, it's sunday al ready and I feel pretty shitty.

Do you feel alone even in crowded rooms?
how did you know?

Has a song ever made you cry?

Has a book ever made you cry?
yeahh, I cried at the end of eclipse when Bella doesn't choose Jacob, that ALWAYS makes me cry.

Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to
I think I can tell Diego most things, even if he doesn't aprove of my behavior he'll listen.

Do you get drunk every weekend?
I don't drink.

Missing someone?

Think a lot before you fall asleep?
most likely.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I'd like to think so.

Something tragic just happened, does your facial expression show it?
if it's tragic I'd probably be crying so yeah

Who sits behind you in english class?

I don't have an english class anymore.

Do you think before you speak?
depends on my mood and who I'm talking to.

Who is your number 2?

What were you doing at 7:45 this morning?

Who was the last person to drive you somewhere?

Was your last kiss a regret?

Will your next kiss be a regret?
I don't know

What was the last thing you drank?


When was the last time something REALLY made you laugh?
Sat, watching new moon with Wini :D

Are you an emotional person?
to an extent

Do you like to cuddle?

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?

When angry, do you get loud or quiet?
If I'm angry to where I feel the need to yell at you
Quiet if I want nothing to do with you

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed on the lips?

When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember

What are you listening to?
Jewel, iTunes is on shuffle.

What made your day today?
nothing yet

How many things in your past do you regret?
I don't really regret things.

Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset?

What was the last thing you thought about before falling asleep last night?

Do you think your life's hard?
not at all

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?

Could you have sex with the last person you messaged?
wtf? no thanks.

Was the last person you hugged a male or female?
female, I think.

Was the last person you held hands with male or female?
I don't hold hands.

What happened last night?
my movie got screwed up.

What are you thinking about right now?
nothing tbh.

Do you break things when you are mad?

Do you mind sleeping on the floor?

Let's say you get pregnant by number one on your top?
:S shit.