1. No, I find it very impersonal.
2. fart
3. Probably walk up to someone and just kiss them, lol
4. I sleep too much
5. Nope, I'm a very rational person
6. None, I believe everyone is as different from one another as everyone else. (does that makes sense?)
7. Some people's status and how everything is viewable.
8, sex in public... lol Idk.
9. my childhood
11. 10, ofcourse
12. if I care about you, yeah. But it's hardly unlikely I'd show it to you
13. Not a hard time accepting it, but it's still shocking, that we are all stardust
14. wouldn't you like to know, huh?
15. that I actually got hurt by you.
16. baths
17. totally depends on the situation and the reason
18. no partner, so no
19. They used to be 34DD, now they're 34D
20. I'm straight, I have never felt really attracted to a girl, I just can tell when a girl is pretty tho.
21. no far really
22. in plenty of ways, I'm stubborn just like my dad
23. lots of junk food, 
24. a sort of date with a close friend of mine, whcih was completely weird
25. Josh Beech <3


Lust: Something that I find attractive: A pretty bad-ass attitude, like "I don't give a fuck" 
Pride: Something that I like about myself:   being pretty independent in some ways
Sloth: Something that I dislike about myself:  a whole bunch of physicall stuff, but mainly being scarred of feeling vulnerable and how insecure I am
Envy: Something I wish I was better at: sports, and having a singing voice in general
Gluttony: One of my favorite foods: Chicken McNuggets
Wrath: Something that gets me angry: bitchiness and yelling, people who are just plain disrespectful
Greed: Something I can’t get enough of: jewelery & clothing

an other pointless survey.

Do you want to be single?
No, but I don't seem to find someone to be with
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
Sort of
When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
Have you broken the law in the last 3 days?Probably, the speed limit or something
What song are you listening to right now?
I'm not listening to any song, TV is on
Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now? Nope
Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
I guess so, but it's nice to be thought of
Last person you said ‘I love you’ to? 
probably a friend of mine
Have you ever watched a movie in another language? 
yup, I love french movies
Is there a song that every time you hear it, you think of someone?
Of course
So, will you be sleeping on the floor tonight? 
Nah, on my bed
Are you ready for kids now? 
no, not at all.
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
yeah, but I'm not a big fan of pain nor snot.
When was the last time you had ice cream?
I don't recall the date
Was your birthday good this year? 
It's in a few weeks
Have you kissed the same person more than 5 times in 2011?nope
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the opposite sex? 
Sure have
Do you remember what you wore last night?
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
no, I have never been grounded
Do your parents really know you?As much as a parrent can know a kid (speaking for my mom) my dad is the kind of parrent who likes to know less.
Are you in a good mood right now? I'm a bit sleepy, but I'm ok
Two things that scare you? 
People knowing how I really feel, roaches
Two places you want to go on holiday? 
My best friend and I are planning trips to either Amsterdam or New York
Who was the last person you texted?Carol & Andrea
Who was the last person you talked to in person? 
my mom
Was last night terrible? 
not at all, except maybe for the part in which I had the hardest time getting to sleep
Do you have anything you’d like to say, but can’t? 
Yeah, but looks like there isn’t gonna be much point now
Is confidence cute? 
It’s attractive, sure !
Do you drink energy drinks? 
some times
Do you like dark or light jeans better? 
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? 
It’d be nice to think so
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
Hopefully not
How many people are you texting? 
no one
Is love really a beautiful thing? 
I guess, I have never personally known it
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
not at all, it'd be nice tho.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
it really does depends on the situation
What are you currently hearing? 
Are you afraid of the dark? 
only because I'm scarred of steping on roaches or something
Has anyone ever hung up on you? 
don't remember
“You know what’s wrong with you, Mr Whoever-you-are? You’re chicken, you’ve got no guts. You’re afraid to stick out your chin and say, “Okay, life’s a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance anybody’s got for real happiness.” You call yourself a free spirit, a “wild thing,” and you’re terrified somebody’s gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you’re already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it’s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It’s wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.”