Day 08

→ Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

I don't think anyone's ever made my life hell or treated me like shit, but I have a few stories in which I haven't felt loved  or treated the right way.
Well for starts, my dad. He's always been sort of sexist, in the way he treats my brother in comparison to how he treats me. I sometimes have felt like he loves him a bit more, which affected a lot of my behaviors when I was younger. I felt like I should match up to my brother, and I wasn't very girlie, I have always been a tomboy.

Then my brother, to whom my mother has made his life way easier than anyone's should. He's used to everyone doing everything for him and whenever he makes a mistake you are the one who has to apologize to him. Which has made my life harder, because everything sorrounds him and every action he does.

Then is one of my friends, or well, ex-friends, who made my life a bit harder, when we had a fight in 9th grade or something like that. We had one of those teenage fights that should be fixed with just a couple of weeks, but she got into her head that I had hacked her hi5 account (lol) and her mother started calling me all the time and making threats to me and my family, she even went to my school and made a complain, which my school dismissed due to lack of evidence, but anyway. She was always talking shit about what I had done, and made being arround some friends difficult. But then, she found out who had hacked her account, and she never apologized to me or said anything.

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