yeah, an other quiz.

current mood – I'm okay
current music – no music, Tv is on
current hair style - um, it's my natural state, wavy on the back and bangs straighten
current crush - no one
current thing I ought to be doing - hw, prolly
current windows open - tumblr and this
current desktop picture - jelly fish
current book -I need new books, seriously

what colour is your hair - light brown but I dyed a blonde peek-aboo on the front
current piercings - lobes, cartilage. 4 total, all on ears
have any tattoos - not yet!
straight hair or curly - wavy
how tall are you - 5ft3

top - it's a Pikachu tee :)
pants - pjs, little yellow duckies
shoes - socks
necklaces - none
rings - none


last person you hung out with  - Ale and Joe
last thing you said out loud - I was singing, lol
last thing someone said to you - ‘turn off the tv if you ain't watching it’
last person you called - my house
last person that rung you - mom
last time you cried - a couple of days ag


did you ever get into a fist fight in school - wouldn’t call it fists but something like that
did you ever run away from home - naah
did you ever want to be a doctor - I did the exams to med school and dentistry, but I choose something entirely different
did you ever do something you regret - everyone has. But I try not to regret things, because at the time it was exactly what I wanted.

believe in god - agnostic
Know how to swim - sort of
do you like roller coasters - I'm scarred of them, but I always get on it
do you own a bike - nope, I wanna take a bike ride
do you think you’d make a good mum - yeah i think i’d be alright :)

have you ever been on a plane - yup :)
have you ever asked someone out - no lol
have you ever been to the ocean - uhhuh
have you ever gone fishing - nope
have you ever painted your nails - every week I change nail polish :)
have you ever taken drugs - define drugs


what are you listening to - that's 70 show is on tv
what is the temperature outside - it's cold I guess
what was the last restaurant you ate at - I ate at subway's today, lol
what was the last thing you bought - some white keds
what was the last thing you had to drink - tea
what are you watching on tv - that's 70 show

who was the last person to be kind - mom I guess
who talked to you on the phone - mom, she asked me to do some errands
who is your current celebrity crush - oliver sykes, always <3
who was the last person you took picture of - ale's disapointing face on germani's lost at the world cup
who was the last person you said i love you to - I don't remember

ever really cried your heart out -  yes
ever cried yourself to sleep - yes
ever cried on your friend’s shoulder - not literally, thats abit gay
ever cried over the opposite sex - uhhhhh haha
do you cry when you get an injury - can’t remember the last time i cried about hurting myself, i feel like such a woman if i do hah
last film that made you cry - not a film but worlds strictest parents !

what can make you happy - nice simple things
do you wish you were happier - yeah
is being happy overrated - woah no, never
can music make you happy - ofcourse

how many times have you had your heart broken - wouldn’t say its ever been broken, but it sure has a crack
has anyone ever loved you so much that they’d die for you - i don’t bluddy know, i doubt it i wouldn’t want anyone to
has anyone ever said ‘i love you’ to you -mhhm

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